5 Things Every Woman Should Do After Intercourse To Keep Their Vagina Healthy

The things we do after intercourse is very healthy as it goes a long way to keep us and our private organs healthy. A large portion of the diseases that happen down there is a direct result of some unhealthy habits we engage in after intercourse. That is why everyone ( especially women) need to adopt the right habit after intimacy. Some healthy habits all women should engage in after intercourse to stay healthy include;

1. Pee after intercourse

During intercourse, microscopic organisms can enter your private part. It’s warm and sodden inside there, which is the ideal condition for microscopic organisms to duplicate. Peeing after intercourse helps to flush out your private part. All women should take note of this.

2. Avoid hot bathtub shower

A hot bathtub shower is another thing to avoid after intercourse. This is because a hot bath shower can make you powerless to more contaminations. All women should take note of this point.

3. Drink water

Staying hydrated is very important especially after having intercourse. Drying out influences your whole body, so if your mouth is dry, you certainly need to refuel with water. Drinking water will hydrate you and help flush bothersome UTI-causing microscopic organisms from your bladder. Always drink water to stay healthy after intercourse.

4. Eat foods rich in probiotics

What you consume immediately after intercourse is also very important. For example, yoghurt is very good food. Fermented tea and kimchi make solid choices. Eating these as a nibble after intercourse can restock great microscopic organisms with the goal that you don’t get yeast diseases. Seek the help of a nutritionist on other healthy foods after intercourse.

5. Avoid soap down there

Soap helps in cleaning but it is very dangerous when used down there especially after intercourse. Your under area is a self-cleaning living being and utilizing cleansers, douches or different items can meddle with its sensitive pH levels. Using a cleanser can also prompt bothering and dryness. After intercourse, just flush it with warm and clean water.

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